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  1. 2021
    • Acquired certification for nutritionist training course evaluation from the Korea Institute of Dietetic Education and Evaluation (2021~2025)
    • Selected as a type-3 college for the College Innovation Project funded by the Ministry of Education in 2020 (2020~2022)
    • Selected as “K-Move School” by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (2018~2022)
    • Acquired the Ministry of Education’s 2nd cycle college certification (Higher Vocational Education Quality Certification) (2018~2021)
    • Selected by the Ministry of Education for the Leaders in Industry-college Cooperation (LINC+) Project (with focus on departments tailored to societal needs) (2017~2021)
    • Selected as a “Certified University” under the nursing education certification system in the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do region (first-ever institution to be certified 3 times) (2017~2021)
    • Selected as a commissioned agency for the Gangbuk Children’s Meals Management Support Center in Buk-gu, Daegu (2016~2021)
    • Selected for a Specialized College Project on Geospatial Information by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2017~2022)
    • Selected as a commissioned educational institution for specialized vocational competency development training at general high schools by the Daegu Metropolitan City Office of Education and Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education (2015~2020)
    • Designated as a commissioned educational institution for specialized vocational competency development training at general high schools by the Ministry of Employment and Labor (2015~2020)
    • Selected as a commissioned operating institution for a daycare center at the Daegu Regional Government Complex (2013~2020)
    • Selected as a commissioned agency for the Children’s Meals Management Support Center in Dalseong-gun, Daegu (2013~2021)
    • Selected as a commissioned operating institution for the “Dalian King Sejong Institute” by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2013~2022)
  2. 02
    • Hosted the 61st matriculation ceremony.
    • Hosted the 58th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 51,394).


  1. 10
    • Acquired certification for nutritionist training course evaluation from the Korea Institute of Dietetic Education and Evaluation (2021~2025).
  2. 10
    • Selected for an Emergency Support Project for “Untact” University Education by the Ministry of Education.
  3. 06
    • Selected as a type-3 college for the College Innovation Project in 2020 (2020~2022).


  1. 02
    • Hosted the 59th matriculation ceremony.
  2. 02
    • Hosted the 56th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 48,541).


  1. 12
    • Recognized as an outstanding teaching and learning center by the Ministry of Education (2019~2021).
  2. 09
    • Hosted the 58th matriculation ceremony.
    • Selected for the “College Innovation Support Project” (2019~2021).
  3. 02
    • Hosted the 58th matriculation ceremony.
    • Hosted the 55th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 45,880).
  4. 01
    • Acquired “Grade A” from a Ministry of Education evaluation for teacher training and development (Department of Early Childhood Education)


  1. 2017~
    • Selected as a “Certified Donation for Education Institution” by the Ministry of Education.
  2. 12
    • Selected as an accredited university under the Nursing Education Accreditation Evaluation system by the Ministry of Education.
  3. 06
    • Selected as a specialized college for spatial information by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
  4. 05
    • Selected for the Leaders in Industry-college Cooperation (LINC+) Project (with focus on departments tailored to societal needs) by the Ministry of Education.
  5. 02
    • Hosted the 54th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 44,659).


  1. 2016~
    • Selected to take part in a Global Field Trip Project for Colleges by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
    • Selected as a commissioned agency for the Gangbuk Children’s Meals Management Support Center in Buk-gu, Daegu.
  2. 06
    • Awarded the “very good” grade in the mid-term (performance) evaluation for the Specialized College Development Project by the Ministry of Education.
    • Selected as NCS hub university in the Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and Gangwon-do region by the Ministry of Education.
  3. 01
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-Ja inaugurated as the 19th Chairperson.
    • Dr. Park Jun inaugurated as the 16th President.


  1. 2015~
    • Designated as a commissioned educational institution for specialized vocational competency development training at general high schools by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
    • Selected as a commissioned educational institution for specialized vocational competency development training at general high schools by the Daegu Metropolitan City Office of Education and Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education.
  2. 08
    • Ranked #1 among colleges in the Daegu region in the college structural reform evaluation initiative.
  3. 03
    • Hosted the 55th matriculation ceremony.
    • Acquired approval Bachelor’s Degree Advanced Major Courses (Department of Beauty Design)
    • Selected for Developmental Support Project by the Athletic Department at the Daegu Sports Council.
  4. 2015~
    • Designated as a commissioned educational institution for specialized vocational competency development training at general high schools by the Ministry of Employment and Labor (Korean Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Confectionery and Bakery, Nail Art Majors).
  5. 02
    • Hosted the 52nd degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 42,193).


  1. 2014~
    • Selected for the Specialized College Development Project (SCK) by the Ministry of Education (2014~2018).
  2. 2014~
    • Selected for the Youth Small Giant Experience Program by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
  3. 10
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with SEGI University in Malaysia.
  4. 08
    • Acquired “Grade A” in the evaluation of teacher training institutes (Department of Early Childhood Education, Department of Nursing).
    • Authorized to continue status as practical teacher training institution under the evaluation of teacher training institutions (Architecture, Leisure, Broadcasting, Food, Information Communication, Computers).
  5. 04
    • Lee Sul-hwa inaugurated as the 18th Chairperson.
  6. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-Ja Kim inaugurated as the 15th President.
    • Hosted the 54th matriculation ceremony.
  7. 02
    • Hosted the 51st degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 40,698).
  8. 2014~
    • Selected for the Youth Small Giant Experience Program by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.


  1. 2013~
    • Selected as a commissioned operating institution for a daycare center at the Daegu Regional Government Complex.
    • Selected as an accredited university under the Nursing Education Accreditation Evaluation system by the Ministry of Education.
  2. 2013~
    • Selected as a commissioned agency for the Children’s Meals Management Support Center in Dalseong-gun, Daegu.
  3. 2013~
    • Selected for the customer service internship program by Samsung Electronics Service Co., Ltd.
    • Selected as a commissioned agency for the Children’s Meals Management Support Center in Dalseong-gun, Daegu.
    • Selected as a commissioned operating institution for a daycare center at the Daegu Regional Government Complex.
  4. 2013~
    • Selected as a commissioned educational institution for vocational training (Cooking, Confectionery and Bakery Majors) by the Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education.
  5. 07
    • Newly designated as a commissioned institution for the Dalian King Sejong Institute by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
    • Selected for the Project to Strengthen the Educational Competency of Colleges by the Ministry of Education.
  6. 06
    • Selected as a “Certified University” under the nursing education certification system in the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do region (first-ever institution to be certified 2 times).
  7. 04
    • Opened the Taegu Science University Dalian Education Center in Dalian University, China.
  8. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-Ja inaugurated as the 17th Chairperson.
    • Hosted the 53rd matriculation ceremony.
    • Selected for a career development program support program for female students by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
    • Selected as a commissioned institution for the Children’s Food Safety and Nutrition Education Project by the Daegu Metropolitan City Government.
  9. 02
    • Hosted the 50th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 39,164).
  10. 01
    • Selected as an accredited college under the college institution evaluation by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.


  1. 2012~
    • Selected for the Leaders in Industry-college Cooperation (LINC+) Project by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
  2. 04
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Lunghwa University of Science and Technology in Taiwan.
  3. 03
    • Hosted the 52nd matriculation ceremony.
    • Signed an MOU with Human Resources Development Service of Korea for national technical qualifications.
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Dalian University in China.
  4. 02
    • Dr. Kim Seok-jong inaugurated as the 14th President.
    • Hosted the 49th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 37,662).
    • Received commendation as an excellent operating institution for the KRI system by the National Research Foundation of Korea.


  1. 2011~
    • Selected as an “educational donation institution” by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
  2. 2011~
    • Selected for the Smart Content Expert Development And Job Creation Business Project.
    • Selected for the Youth Employment Career Support Project (employment support office) by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
  3. 2011~
    • Selected to pilot the Academic System Upgrade initiative by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
  4. 2011~
    • Selected as a commissioned agency for children’s food safety and nutrition education in Daegu.
    • Selected for the Daegu Jewelry Industry and Brand Marketing Promotion Project.
    • Selected as the operating institution of Entrepreneurs College by the Agency for Traditional Market Administration and the Small and Medium Business Administration.
  5. 2011~
    • Selected for the Global Hub University Development Project (GHC) by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
    • Selected for the Daegu Jewelry Industry and Brand Marketing Promotion Project.
  6. 12
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with the Emilio Aguinaldo College in the Philippines.
    • Selected as a 4-year nursing education department by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
    • Created the Yeongsong Central Library Electronic Library System (ODIS-U).
  7. 11
    • Renamed as the Taegu Science University.
  8. 09
    • Designated as the National Disaster Emergency Medical Specialist Course Training Center (BDLS Basic Trainer Center) (American Medical Association/BDLSF).
  9. 05
    • Opened an artificial turf sports ground.
  10. 03
    • Hosted the 51st matriculation ceremony.
    • Selected as a commissioned agency for children’s food safety and nutrition education in Daegu.
  11. 02
    • Hosted the 48th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 36,228).
  12. 01
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with the Emilio Aguinaldo College in the Philippines.


  1. 2010~
    • Selected as an “excellent college” under the Educational Capacity Building Project by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
    • Selected for the Youth Workplace Experience Program by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
    • Selected as for the 2010 Representative University Brand Business Support Project (Incentive Project) by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
  2. 10
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Zhejiang University of Technology, China.
    • Opened the Taegu Science University Yeongsong Gymnasium.
  3. 07
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Yanbian University and Yanbian University of Science and Technology, China.
  4. 05
    • Hosted a 50th anniversary ceremony and unveiled a new UI.
  5. 03
    • Acquired approval Bachelor’s Degree Advanced Major Courses (Department of Geodetic and Cadastral Information).
  6. 02
    • Dr. Kim Seok-jong inaugurated as the 13th President.
    • Hosted the 50th matriculation ceremony.
    • Hosted the 47th degree conferment ceremony (total alumni: 34,746)


  1. 2009~
    • Selected as an “excellent college” under the Educational Capacity Building Project by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
  2. 2009~
    • Selected as a college for industry-academic cooperation by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
  3. 2009~
    • Selected for the Project to Expand Employment Support Functions by the Daegu Metropolitan City Branch of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
  4. 12
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Beppu University, Japan.
  5. 09
    • Opened a Job Cafe (job information center).
  6. 03
    • Revised the title for Dr. Kim Seok-jong from Dean to President.
    • Joined the Credit Bank System - Bachelor’s Degree Course (Department of Nursing, Early Childhood Education, Dental Hygiene).
    • Created a collaborative curriculum with local vocational high schools.


  1. 2008~
    • School business (l’ecole: confectionery and baking) selected for the National Financial Support Project.
  2. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-Ja inaugurated as the 16th Chairperson.
  3. 02
    • Dr. Kim Seok-jong inaugurated as the 12th Dean.


  1. 2007~
    • Selected to take part in a Global Field Trip Project for Colleges by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.


  1. 12
    • Won the Minister of Education, Science and Technology Award from the National Balanced Development Committee (Specialized College Category).
  2. 10
    • Dr. Kim Seok-jong inaugurated as the 11th Dean.
  3. 03
    • Lee Kwang-soo inaugurated as the 10th Dean.


  1. 05
    • Created the computerized book search and high-speed Internet information provision system (operated by the Computer Information Office).
    • Selected as an affiliated college by four-year universities (Kyungpook National University and 7 other universities).
  2. 03
    • Selected as an internet college for the Cyber Employment program.


  1. 2004~
    • Selected as a hub college for geospatial information education by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
  2. 2004~
    • Selected for the Job Support Project customized for local business by the Ministry of Gender Equality.
  3. 2004~
    • Selected for the Regional Innovation and Specialization Support Project by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.
  4. 09
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the 9th Dean.


  1. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-Ja inaugurated as the 16th Chairperson.


  1. 2002~
    • Selected as the “Most Outstanding College” in the GIS/LIS specialization Project by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
  2. 11
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with the University of San Carlos in Cebu, the Philippines.
  3. 2002
    • IT Department selected for equipment support by the Ministry of Information and Communication.


  1. 2001~
    • Selected as a TRITAS college by the Small and Medium Business Administration.
  2. 2001~
    • Selected as a college with programs specializing in IT by the Ministry of Information and Communication.


  1. 2000~
    • Selected as a Specialized Project Operating College by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
  2. 2000~
    • Selected for excellent school club (DALMURI) activities by the Small and Medium Business Administration.
  3. 2000
    • Awarded the President’s Award as the “Most Outstanding Surveying Institution.”


  1. 1999~
    • Recognized as a college with outstanding on-demand education by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
  2. 1999~
    • Selected as an excellent colleges in connection with local vocational high schools.
  3. 06
    • Dr. Hyang-Ja Kim inaugurated as the 14th Chairperson.


  1. 05
    • Renamed as the Taegu Science University.
  2. 03
    • Dr. Kim Jong-ok inaugurated as the 13th Chairperson.
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Meikai University, Japan.
  3. 1998~
    • Selected for a New Job Development Project by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development for 8 consecutive years.


  1. 1996
    • Ranked as the #1 college in the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do region by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
    • Selected as an excellent university for improvements to experiments and practices by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
  2. 04
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Flinders University, Australia.


  1. 03
    • Dr. Kim Jong-ok inaugurated as the 12th Chairperson.


  1. 03
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Ashland University, USA.


  1. 12
    • Dr. Kim Jong-ok inaugurated as the 11th Chairperson.


  1. 12
    • Signed a sisterhood partnership with Setouchi Junior College, Japan.


  1. 09
    • Dr. Lee Kyu-sik inaugurated as the 10th Chairperson.


  1. 05
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the 8th Dean (Full College No. 1040-540).
  2. 03
    • Opened a college-affiliated kindergarten.


  1. 11
    • Renamed as Daegu Junior College.
    • Dr. Kim Byung-rak inaugurated as the 7th Dean (Full College No. 1040-756).


  1. 11
    • Opened an audiovisual education center (broadcast room, preview room, studio, photography department, language lab, dressing room, lounge).
  2. 02
    • Authorized to open a kindergarten facility affiliated with Daegu Women’s Junior College (No. 207).


  1. 12
    • Dr. Lee Kyu-sik inaugurated as the 9th Chairperson.
  2. 10
    • Renamed as the Daegu Women’s Junior College, and acquired approval for 6 new departments (Ministry of Education). Total of 738 students enrolled across 7 departments (Nursing, Early Childhood Education, Medical Administration, Crafts, Applied Art, English, Japanese).
  3. 06
    • Dr. Song Myung-do inaugurated as the 8th Chairperson.


  1. 09
    • Acquired approval to increase capacity for new students to 184 with increased class sizes (120 students).
  2. 08
    • Dr. Song Myung-do inaugurated as the 7th Chairperson.


  1. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the 6th Dean (Science No. 1040-262 Dean).


  1. 12
    • Institution promoted to Daegu Nursing Junior College.
    • Dr. Kim Jong-ok inaugurated as the 6th Chairperson.
    • School corporation Hanbyeolhaksuk: Applied for promotion to Daegu Nursing College (Ministry of Education).


  1. 10
    • Founder Dr. Kim Jong-ok received Honorary Doctorate Degree in Law from the Linda Vista Baptist Bible College and Seminary, California, USA


  1. 08
    • Dean Kim Hyang-ran, received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Literature from the California Christian University, USA.
    • Founder Dr. Kim Jong-ok received an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Education from the California Christian University, USA.
  2. 04
    • Dr. Ahn Ho-sang inaugurated as the 5th Chairperson.
  3. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the 5th Dean.


  1. 10
    • Acquired approval to amend school rules following the establishment of the Student Patriotic Protection Group (Industry No. 1040-779).


  1. 12
    • Promoted to Daegu Nursing Junior College (Ministry of Education).


  1. 03
    • Dr. Ahn Ho-sang inaugurated as the 4th Chairperson.
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the 4th Dean.


  1. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the 3rd Dean.


  1. 03
    • Dr. Hyang-Ja Kim inaugurated as the 3rd Chairperson.


  1. 12
    • Acquired approval for class expansion (capacity 360: Ministry of Education).
  2. 03
    • Acquired approval for class expansion (capacity 240: Ministry of Education).


  1. 09
    • Designated as a nurse training institution (Daegu Hospital) and researching institution (Ministry of Health and Social Affairs).


  1. 03
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the 2nd Dean.


  1. 03
    • Dr. Hyang-Ja Kim inaugurated as the 2nd Chairperson.


  1. 04
    • Acquired approval to establish teacher training courses (elementary, middle, and high school training teacher qualifications awarded: Ministry of Education).
    • Designated as a nursing training institution (Ministry of Health and Social Affairs).


  1. 07
    • Acquired approval as an industrial training institute in the Daegu region (Ministry of Health and Social Affairs).


  1. 05
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the inaugural Chairperson.
    • Acquired approval as a nursing school in the Daegu region (3-year junior college: admission capacity of 120 students).
  2. 02
    • Dr. Kim Hyang-ran inaugurated as the inaugural President.
  3. 01
    • Daegu Nursing School founded by Dr. Kim Jong-ok (courtesy name: Yeongsong).